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Sara Flynn Gosselin

Sara Flynn Gosselin is a passionate healer with the mission of helping others on all levels - be it physically, mentally, emotionally and/ or spiritually. A student and practitioner of various healing modalities, she is a 200-hr Yoga Instructor through the Essence of Yoga School in Boston, Holy Fire Reiki Master through the International Center to Reiki, Integrative Health Practitioner through the IHP Institute, and holds a Doctor of Pharmacy from Northeastern University. Inspired by her own physical and mental health journey, Sara establishes deep and compassionate connections with students and clients, through yoga,  energy healing, crystal singing bowls, and the various other elements of her practice to aid others in their personal healing journeys. Expect a variety of classes, ranging from a strong, dynamic, creative vinyasa style flow to a more restorative, yin class often accompanied by reiki healing energy and/or sound bowls to facilitate deep relaxation and meditation.

My Presenters Sessions

Sunday, June 16

10:00am EDT