Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort [clear filter]
Thursday, June 13

9:00am EDT

Taoist Yoga & Philosophy for Awakening To True Nature

Taoist Yoga and Philosophy is an approach to life that seeks mind/body balance and recognizes that  
everything is both sacred and dust at the same time. The body’s vitality(Jing/Jung) is sacred but will eventually die, one’s heart center and emotional life (Qi/Shim/Maum) is sacred but is bound to suffer, and one’s insight/mind/spirit/brain(Shen/Shin) is sacred but bound to be confounded by the mystery of existence… In this workshop you will learn how to integrate and harmonize these three energy centers of the body/mind as well as dive deep into the core Taoist concept of "wu-wei" and the teachings of Lao-Tzu. Whether you are a yoga teacher looking to incorporate more spiritual practices into your teaching or a yogi interested in studying the Tao, this workshop will be a powerful introduction to the practices and teaching of Sahm-Je Taoistm.

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Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Healing Addiction: The Dis-ease of the Lost Self (Part 2)

Part 2: of 2 A model for healing
It's recommended to take Part 1 in the morning first unless you've done previous work with Nikki and Y12R

When we mistakenly look outward for what lies within, believing that happiness and fulfillment reside in external factors like people, places, things, education, behaviors, substances, or experiences, we are led down a path that ultimately results in darkness and disconnection. This detachment from our true selves, often due to trauma or unfulfilled needs, is not just a catalyst for addiction, eating disorders, and co-dependent behavior, but according to ancient yoga and Vedanta texts, it's also the fundamental cause of all suffering, including societal issues like racism, sexism, and gender-based discrimination. However, we don't need to endure or inflict suffering. We have the power to rediscover and embrace our authentic selves. This journey of self-reclamation involves returning to and embracing the aspects of ourselves that we have long neglected or hidden, with the goal of restoring the innate love, acceptance, and sense of belonging that is our inherent right. Lecture, Discussion, Embodiment practices.

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Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

7:00pm EDT

Musical Melting Restore

Allow your body and mind to deeply relax in this musical restorative yoga practice. Each restorative yoga posture is a journey into profound ease. It creates a space where tension dissipates and relaxation emerges. As you melt into these carefully crafted poses, surrender to the embrace of comfort and stillness, enhancing the restorative benefits of each moment. The healing touch of live music woven sweetly throughout the practice. The resonant sound vibrations serve as a gentle guide, nurturing your senses and elevating the overall therapeutic impact. This harmonious fusion of restful postures and live music creates a sanctuary for relaxation, allowing you to release stress, soothe the nervous system, and elevate your mood. The synergy of supported yoga and live music invites a profound sense of well-being into every fiber of your being. 

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Sherrie Howard

Musical Nature Yogini, Sherrie Howard Yoga & Music
Sherrie Howard is a multi-talented international kirtan artist, 1000-hour certified Kripalu yoga teacher, nature guide, sound healer, and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music trained vocalist. Thousands of guests at Miraval, Canyon Ranch, and Kripalu Center have delighted in... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Friday, June 14

8:00am EDT

Somatic Yoga: Uncover, Discover, Discard

A Slow Therapeutic Flow that centers self-discovery, shedding old patterns and embracing the inherent truth of who we are.  Begins with a 15-20 min talk followed by Asana, Pranayama, Meditation. 

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

The Glow Method: Yoga, Pilates, and Resistance Band Fusion

Not your typical fitness class… The Glow Method is an empowering, body affirming workout combining vinyasa, pilates, barre, strength & cardio. Find your center while flowing through dynamic sequences designed to build holistic strength in both the body and mind. Get ready to move to the beat of the music, break a sweat (and a smile!), and challenge your edge. Rooted in yoga, we’ll end class with a sweet savasana - sure to leave you feeling balanced when you walk off the mat.

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Kaylie Daniels

Kaylie is an experienced yoga & fitness instructor of ten years. She began her yoga journey in high school, pursuing teaching soon after graduating. She leads classes from the core belief that a movement practice is a powerful tool for both the body and mind, but that you are already... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Intro to Y12SR: The Yoga of 12 Step Recovery

The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) is a relapse prevention program that was created as a holistic model to address the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. Informed by the latest research in neuroscience and trauma healing, Y12SR “connects the dots” by combining the ancient wisdom and somatic approach of yoga with the cognitive approach of the most well-known addictive recovery program in the world, the 12-step recovery model.

Y12SR’s sustainable recovery program is based in the yoga sutra 2.16 ~ “Future suffering can be avoided.” There is a solution. The path and purpose of yoga and the 12-step recovery program are similar and two-fold: freedom / emancipation (from suffering) and fulfillment (to skillfully navigate through the world while thriving in every area of life).

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Live In Love - A Sound Journey For Inner Awakening

Experience how sound and healing music can be used to unlock many of our blocks and challenges we experience daily. DJ Taz Rashid shares his wisdom and path in sound healing as we meditate, tune inward, gain clarity and listen to the language of our spirit. We will open up the four directions and expect to hear healing deep relaxation sounds from all over the world such as singing bowls, didgeridoos, over-tone singing, percussion, Native American flutes, guitar and atmospheric soundscapes to guide the journey. This is the inner revolution your body has been looking for. 

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DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Journey To Bliss

A full spectrum yoga class utilizing Asana, Breathwork and Meditation to get back to that experience we all know and love, “Bliss”. This workshops is perfect for you if you are wanting the full experience of yoga for the body, breath, mind, and soul. We will explore what the yogis call “The Koshas”, translated as the 5 Sheaths or 5 layers of self starting with the outermost known as the physical “Anamaya Kosha” or directly translated as the “food body”. And working our way inward to the inner most layer “Anandamaya Kosha”, Bliss.

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

7:00pm EDT

✴️ Dream of the Tao: Slow Flow Yoga and Live Music Kirtan

A perfect ending to a day at the festival. In this magical dreamlike class your body will be healed, your nervous system deeply restored, and your heart and mind filled with wonder, as we dive into the Tao. Led by festival director and Taoist Yogi Andrew Tanner, in this class you will explore organic movements, joint healing, and breathwork to release the patterns built up throughout the day, and guided energy meditations to clear your mind.  Live improvised music will be provided by a cadre of incredible Yogis and Yogins, including Satigata front man Chris Berlin, Radharani, the Priestess of Sacred Song, and spiritual percussionist John Felice. When you awaken from savasana you will be in a dreamlike state as we bring our voices together into one incredible song.

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Dr. Chris Berlin

Instructor of Buddhist Ministry, Harvard Divinity School
Chris Berlin is an instructor in spiritual counseling and Buddhist ministry at Harvard Divinity School, where he also serves as a counselor to Buddhist graduate students. His teaching ranges from counseling theory and practice, and contemplative approaches to clinical chaplaincy... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

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Radharani’s voice has been described as “angelic,” “crystalline,” and “hypnotic.” With meditative presence and soulful yearning, she draws the listener into states peace and inspired emotion. Her accessible, singable music is a blend of ancient mantras, heart-opening... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Saturday, June 15

8:00am EDT

Handstand: The 3 Secrets

Learning to handstand is a process, abundant with discovery and amazement. Whether this is your first inversion workshop or you are well versed in the art of handstands, brace yourself as we delve into alignment, work toward mastery of the shoulder girdle, and explore acrobatic principles so you can build confidence and manifest a greater sense of balance. You will learn exercises that unify body and mind to create a solid foundation for a lifetime of standing on your hands. As a group we will create a safe and transformative space that will be appropriate and for all levels of practice. Take your handstand practice to the next level!

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Sound Alchemy Experience

Dive into an enchanting exploration of sound and vibration with Char Willingham and navigate through the mystical realms of sonic alchemy. This potent practice melds the profound wisdom of ancient traditions with the insights of contemporary science, allowing you to tap into the universal rhythms and unlock your true potential. Whether you seek relaxation, stress relief, or a deeper connection with your inner self, this event offers a unique space for expansiveness, spaciousness, and inward contemplation. Traverse the domains of sublime healing and bathe in the melodic orchestra of sacred instruments while experiencing the alchemical potency that harmonizes, uplifts, and revitalizes your whole being. Embark on this journey to set sail on your unparalleled sonic adventure.

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Char Willingham

Char Willingham (she/her) is a Bipoc Sound Alchemist & Practitioner Trainer, Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500, RPYT & YACEP), Movement Professional, Meditation Guide, Drumming, Sacred Cacao & Women’s Empowerment Facilitator.Char’s lifelong study of movement has taken her on an incredible... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Gentle Is The New Advanced: A Yoga Revival

Let's come together. To ease our pain, to feel some inner peace, and to summon the strength and courage to overcome the obstacles that lay before us. Utilizing simple breath-centered practice to embody our intentions, and enjoying the supportive atmosphere of friendship and shared inquiry with other like-minded people, we will foster transformation and resilience.

In this workshop, J. Brown brings his 25+ years of teaching experience in a personalized therapeutic approach that adapts to individual needs, and his knack for creating open communication developed through his industry leading podcast, J. Brown Yoga Talks, to facilitate a co-creative ritual of healing and spirit.

This is an opportunity for both those who have never met J before to be introduced to new possibilities, and for old friends to catch up and compare notes. No previous experience is required. All are welcome.

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J. Brown

For more than twenty years, J. Brown has been developing techniques to teach people how to practice yoga in a deeper and more fulfilling way. He is also a well known writer and podcaster, having been featured in Yoga Therapy Today, the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, and across... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Yin Yoga and Story Time

Nourish your body, mind and spirit in this deeply relaxing practice.
Listen to mythic stories from the Yoga and Buddhist traditions that will inspire your mind and open your heart while being guided to gently stretch and bring ease to your body with slow, deep floor stretches. All levels

avatar for Amanda Giacomini

Amanda Giacomini

Amanda is a dedicated Yogini with over 20 years of practice and fifteen years of teaching. She teaches weekly classes other studio which she co-founded in 2001 with MC YOGI, Point Reyes Yoga in Point Reyes, California.Amanda met her husband Nicholas, aka MC YOGI at a yoga teacher training at It's Yoga in San Francisco in 2000. The two fell in love, traveled to India the following year and then opened their own yoga studio inside Nicholas' family barn in Point Reyes... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Intro to Sonic Chakra Balancing

Experience a Sonic Chakra Balancing Workshop with Char Willingham, an immersive experience designed to align and rejuvenate your body’s seven energy centers using the power of sound. This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through the ancient practice of sound healing. You’ll explore the seven primary energy centers, each linked to specific aspects of your emotional and physical being. Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of various instruments, each aligned with particular chakras, to harmoniously open, balance, and activate your energy centers. Participate in this interactive session, where you learn to use sound healing tools and techniques for personal care and to assist others, offering practical skills for everyday use while enriching your understanding of chakras and sound’s therapeutic power, suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners. This Sonic Chakra Balancing Workshop offers a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the chakra system and the healing power of sound.

avatar for Char Willingham

Char Willingham

Char Willingham (she/her) is a Bipoc Sound Alchemist & Practitioner Trainer, Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500, RPYT & YACEP), Movement Professional, Meditation Guide, Drumming, Sacred Cacao & Women’s Empowerment Facilitator.Char’s lifelong study of movement has taken her on an incredible... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Sunday, June 16

8:00am EDT

The Yoga of the Foot: How To Be A Better Biped

As mammals of the genus homo, we have been walking erect for about 2 million years. Yet, in what amounts to an evolutionary blink of an eye, natural organic ground has literally been pulled out from under us, as we have leveled, paved, and otherwise smoothed out the unpredictable terrain our feet evolved upon. Add to this insult the injury of restrictive footwear and we in the industrialized world have an epidemic of physical ills that can be traced back to our compromised foundations.
This workshop will delve deeply into the history, structure, function and retraining of our feet as the foundation for a healthy asana practice and for living more fully functional lives as happy bipeds.

avatar for Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. He is an internationally recognized specialist with four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga and breath anatomy. He leads workshops for many of the leading yoga associations, schools and training... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Sound Bath Meditation

Join Sara for a Guided Sound Bath Meditation. Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit as you lay or sit in stillness during this fully immersive experience. Listen to the sounds and feel the vibrations of crystal alchemy singing bowls to relieve stress and facilitate a deep state of relaxation & meditation. You will leave feeling  calm, balanced, and restored!

avatar for Sara Flynn Gosselin

Sara Flynn Gosselin

Sara Flynn Gosselin is a passionate healer with the mission of helping others on all levels - be it physically, mentally, emotionally and/ or spiritually. A student and practitioner of various healing modalities, she is a 200-hr Yoga Instructor through the Essence of Yoga School in... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:05am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Intro to Katonah Yoga®

Welcome to Katonah Yoga® – a transformative journey rooted in Taoist theory, sacred geometry, and meaningful metaphors.

In our communal classes, we explore personal growth through pairs and groups, providing formal support with hands-on adjustments.

Katonah Yoga thrives on three universal principles: polarity, patterns, and repetition. Mediating between polarities, you'll harmonize body and mind, guided by the magic square of Taoist origin – a map to organize your personal abode, the body.

Approaching asana sequences as "workshops," we delve into each practitioner's unique proportions, ensuring alignment control and joint protection. Beyond the physical, Katonah Yoga® fosters a dialogue between postures, organs, and emotions, transcending habitual patterns for mind, body, and soul enrichment.

Cultivate a stable, safe, and sustainable practice during our time together. Master body proportions, assist others on their journeys, and integrate pranayama and Taoist meditations. This workshop will empower you to apply Katonah Yoga to any style, unlocking your full potential. Join us on this profound exploration of self-discovery and transformation.

avatar for Gail Grossman

Gail Grossman

Gail Grossman, is Yoga Educator, Author & Guide. Considered a teacher of teachers Gail has been sharing the gift of yoga for decades. She educates and supports Yoga Students & Teachers to develop their skills and maximize the benefits of this ancient practice using a modern approach... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Avita Yoga

Come to this sweet and deep class that uses muscles to target the deepest part of your body, the bones. But there's something more profound than your bones--your nervous system and your mind. We'll use Avita Yoga shapes and methodology to tap into our healing source. Avita Yoga is for all ages and abilities. No matter your yoga background, I hope you'll join us and access hidden layers waiting and wanting to be known.

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Jeff Bailey

Jeff discovered yoga in the mid-80s. His desire to understand the true joining nature of yoga has spanned 38 years of study and practice. As a trained Rolfer, Jeff integrates practical aspects of physiology, anatomy, emotional patterning, and compensatory movements into simple, digestible... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

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