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Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort [clear filter]
Thursday, June 13

9:00am EDT

Healing Addiction: The Dis-ease of the Lost Self (Part 1)

Part 1 of 2:  Broadening the view of addiction
When we mistakenly look outward for what lies within, believing that happiness and fulfillment reside in external factors like people, places, things, education, behaviors, substances, or experiences, we are led down a path that ultimately results in darkness and disconnection. This detachment from our true selves, often due to trauma or unfulfilled needs, is not just a catalyst for addiction, eating disorders, and co-dependent behavior, but according to ancient yoga and Vedanta texts, it's also the fundamental cause of all suffering, including societal issues like racism, sexism, and gender-based discrimination. However, we don't need to endure or inflict suffering. We have the power to rediscover and embrace our authentic selves. This journey of self-reclamation involves returning to and embracing the aspects of ourselves that we have long neglected or hidden, with the goal of restoring the innate love, acceptance, and sense of belonging that is our inherent right. Lecture, Discussion, Embodiment practices.

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:45pm EDT

✴️ Business of Yoga: The Roadmap for Financial Freedom + Career Longevity w/Yoga Renew

Are you a part-time yoga teacher whose scared to make the leap to full-time because you're worried about the money? You have a day job you're dying to leave but you can't understand how you could possibly make a living as a yoga teacher? Are you a full-time yoga teacher whose starting to experience burnout and looking for a long term sustainable career path? The good news is... there is a way...

In this workshop you will Explore:

  • Your Relationship With Money
  • The Problem(s) with the Current Yoga Teaching Model
  • A Realistic Path to Passive Income
  • The 4 Noble Truths of Growing a Yoga Business

You will Learn about and Workshop your Roadmap:
  • How to choose a Niche in 5 mins.
  • Your first digital download to grow an audience
  • Your first passive income online product
  • How to create Medium and High Ticket offers that Help People.

The hustle required for creating success as a yoga teacher is real, and so is the burnout that comes with it. With a combined 25+ years as entrepreneurs in the yoga and wellness space, Kate Lombardo and Patrick Franco, co-directors of YogaRenew— the largest online teacher training program in the world— have worn every “hat” there is a yoga teacher. In this session, they’ll teach you how to lay the foundation for a business that focuses on earning you more money and giving you back your most valuable currency— your time— so you can build a prosperous and sustainable career sharing the practice you love.

Brought BYF Platinum Sponsor, YogaRenew.

avatar for Patrick Franco

Patrick Franco

Co-Director, Yoga Renew
Revered as the yoga teacher’s yoga teacher, Patrick Franco has leveraged his extensive knowledge across yoga and eastern medicine to develop and inspire some of the world’s most influential yoga instructors. His magnetic demeanor has been a guiding light for the international... Read More →
avatar for Kate Lombardo

Kate Lombardo

Co-Director, YogaRenew
Kate Lombardo is a Conscious Business Mentor and Yoga Teacher Trainer. As co-director of YogaRenew, the world’s largest yoga teacher training program, her work as a yoga instructor spans the globe, touching tens of thousands of students internationally. She is fiercely passionate... Read More →


Thursday June 13, 2024 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

The Art of Adjustments

Please bring a strap and mat. Yoga blocks optional.

The power of human touch is profound. An intelligent, informative hands on assist has the potential to be an incredible teaching tool. There is also a big responsibility that comes along with putting your hands on someone else’s body. You must be well trained, careful, conscientious, and without negative intent.
Kula has always been known as a studio where you will find plenty of hands on assists. This teachers intensive will look closely at how/when/and why to touch, and when there are other more effective ways to assist a student.  It will teach you how to use intelligent touch as a teaching tool and how to use your body as another way to communicate with your students in a supportive environment.

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
  Intensive, Yoga
Friday, June 14

6:30am EDT

✴️ Morning Meditation: Ground & Focus w/Taoist Wisdom

Early risers start your day right with a 15 mins of gentle stretching and a 30 min meditation and contemplation of yogic wisdom practice. Meditation will be partially guided in the Sahm Je Taoist tradition.  Beginning your day with meditation is scientifically proven to improve your energy levels and focus throughout the day.

avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 6:30am - 7:15am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

Classic Kula Flow: Smart, Sweaty, Ecstatic

Kula Flow is vinyasa style yoga with an emphasis on creativity, anatomy and alignment. Class will be a thematic, inventive and thoughtful sequence of sun salutations, standing & seated postures, back bending, inversions, and hand/arm balances —guided by a steady breath to tone and calm the mind. Uddiyana Bandha practice will be sprinkled throughout class.  

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Integrated Energy Healing & Reiki

Restore emotional balance through guided movement and touch.
This class is designed to release muscle tension and restore emotional balance, leaving your body in a natural state of ease and fulfillment. We move through a slow, grounding yoga sequence and offer hands-on assists. The class culminates in a meditation infused with hands-on energy healing assists that combines Usui Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) that can help to reduce stress, restore balance, and clear energy blockages through gentle touch.

avatar for Dima Bosko

Dima Bosko

One Voice Yoga & Wellness
Dima is the the creator of One Voice Yoga and her interest lies in the practical application of spiritual illumination, embodiment practices and functional movement. As a student of consciousness for many years, she has thousands of hours of trainings in the field of yoga, meditation... Read More →
avatar for Natalie Engler, MSW, LICSW

Natalie Engler, MSW, LICSW

Natalie Engler, MSW, LICSW is Certified in Usui Reiki Level II and Advanced Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), and is trained in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Professional Skills Level 2 and Family & Systemic Constellations. In the past, Natalie taught yoga in wellness and medical... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

The HOLY Wake-Up Call

Have you ever felt like a cosmic 2x4 hit you across the head, often labeled as a mid-life crisis? Join this interactive lecture and discover the wisdom that yoga offers to view midlife not as a crisis, but as a profound opportunity for self-discovery and alignment with what truly matters. According to yogic teachings, we go through four distinct stages (ashrama) in a lifetime. Now is the time to stand for who you are, who you want to become, and to live in accordance with the season of your life.Dive into the conversation, maybe even laugh and embrace midlife as a sacred wake-up call.

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

The Roll Model® Method: Myofascial Self-Care for Every Body

Self-myofascial release (SMFR) has mass appeal from multiple spaces within the wellness fields. Learn the newest evidence to support the use of SMFR for your own personal practice and classes. This workshop provides you with a simple and effective self-myofascial release tool to help you erase pain, improve mobility, build embodied awareness and prevent injuries. This workshop will increase your knowledge of your body as you learn to navigate multiple connective tissues. You’ll learn 9 rolling techniques that can support every area of your body. We will rollout using a best practices approach to relieve emotional stress and improve whole body coordination and function. Help your body awaken, move, feel and heal.

avatar for Jill Miller

Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Kripalu Vinyasa: Breathe, Feel, Flow

Join Coby Kozlowski, creator of Kripalu Vinyasa, in this heartfelt and compassionate meditation in motion (with no chaturanga). This slow flowing class is infused with intention, breath awareness, and creative sequencing that honors the intelligence of consciousness. Kripalu Vinyasa offers the opportunity for you to listen and respond to your body’s inherent wisdom with kindness and curiosity.  

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

6:30pm EDT

✴️ Hanuman’s Heroes Journey and our Inner Ramayana

In this entertaining talk, Manoj illuminates Hanuman’s journey in the Ramayana and will relate it to the archetypical Hanuman energy within you. Like Hanuman we can access super human powers of wisdom, strength and service alongside deep humility and “move big Boulders”.  Learn how awakening this energy leads to explosive transformation, both within and in the outside world, be it spiritual, personal or professional.

In parallel, Manoj will guide us with stories and symbolisms of the Ramayana through the lens of Advaita Vedanta philosophy; where Lord Ram is an avatar of Consciousness (Higher Self of formless), Sita is us (lower self in form) and Hanuman is the uniter of us to Consciousness.

avatar for Dr Manoj Chalam

Dr Manoj Chalam

Manoj uses an entertaining storytelling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate deep Vedanta philosophy and help people in their hero’s journey. An Indian-born scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Saturday, June 15

5:00am EDT

✴️ Abhishekam and Aarthi: Purification Ritual for Narayani

In this early morning Bhakti ritual you can just come and sit and listen to the mantras and watch

5-6am Abhishekam is an ancient purification ritual practiced in temples across India. The beautiful and elaborate process of abhishekam is accompanied by Vedic chanting.Offerings such as water coconut water milk curd honey fruits sandalwood powder turmeric sacred ash rice and thulasi (holy basil) are used in the ritual bathing of the deity. It is an offering of love and pure devotion symbolically cleansing one’s inner self with positive thoughts.

6-6:20am Aarthi is an ancient practice of offering lamps to a deity. Symbolically the flame is infused with the Divine’s love blessings and energy. The light signifies the dispelling of darkness and ignorance in a person’s life and the universe bringing wisdom hope and illumination.

Tobias Meinecke is a long-time devotee of Indian saint Sri Sakthi Amma. This will be a special experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja, or ritualized meditation.

avatar for Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke is a film maker and devotee of Sri Sakthi Amma. As as devotee Tobias has been creating and hosting Pujas, or sacred ceremonies, for over 15 years all over the world. The Yagam or "Fire Ceremony" is typically offered at night while the Abisheikim or "Liquid Puja" is... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 5:00am - 6:15am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

6:30am EDT

✴️ Morning Meditation: Ground & Focus with Taoist Wisdom

Early risers start your day right with a 15 mins of gentle stretching and a 30 min meditation and contemplation of yogic wisdom practice. Meditation will be partially guided in the Sahm Je Taoist tradition.  Beginning your day with meditation is scientifically proven to improve your energy levels and focus throughout the day.

avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 6:30am - 7:15am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

Body By Breath: Diaphragm Dynamics

This embodied movement session travels you through the neuro-myofascial impact of the respiratory diaphragm throughout the body. This class provides biofeedback on proprioceptive and interoceptive aspects of breathing via gentle fascial stimulation. Explore 3 zones of respiration and be prepared to decompress your spine, improve your breath’s range of motion and increase your tolerance capacity for a parasympathetic dominant state. *Bring your favorite self-myofascial release balls to use in the practice portion. Jill will be using Yoga Tune Up® Balls and 2 Coregeous® Balls.*

avatar for Jill Miller

Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Happy New Rear: Healing Gluteal Amnesia

With our cultural obsession with our bottoms, you'd think that the buns would have a better sense of themselves. Gluteal amnesia is a phenomenom that refers to this lack of awareness. Many bodies have a difficult time fully sensing the position and activation of the tissues that support the backside of the pelvis. This “darkside of the moon” will be explored through rolling and unforgettable activation exercises that will leave you with a Happy New Rear every time. *Class taught by your bionic teacher Jill Miller who had a total hip replacement in her mid-40’s, and lives to tell the TAIL*

avatar for Jill Miller

Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

✴️ Healing Ourselves and Our World: How Beauty, Goodness and Excellence Make us Better

Many of us already know the shifts in mood we can experience when in the presence of beauty.  What we may not know, and what research in the fields of eco- and positive psychology have demonstrated is that when we activate a mindful attention to natural beauty, moral beauty (goodness) or excellence in others, we notice much more profound benefits. These benefits range from a lift in spirits, a sense of transcendence, an openness to others, an increase in motivation to be our better selves, and a commitment to care of the planet and its species. In her presentation, Maria Sirois, shares the stories and research that illuminates the value of attention to outer and inner beauty and to excellence, and shares practices that can easily be applied in every domain of our living.  

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Maria Sirois

Maria Sirois, PsyD, is a positive psychologist and seminar leader who teaches internationally in the intersection of resilience and flourishing. Known for her wisdom, authenticity, and rampant humor, she delivers invigorating practices to corporate and nonprofit audiences alike. Maria... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

1:00pm EDT

✴️ Yes Talk: The F Word: Fascia Makes you Whole

Fascia science continues to produce exciting findings that are relevant to all bodies whether you’re a yogi, athlete, clinician or could care less about your anatomy. Jill walks you through the micro and the major basics of WHY you should care about this connective tissue and how it relates to your overall health and wellbeing.

avatar for Jill Miller

Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 1:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Awaken Shakti - the Goddess Archetype Within You

This class is suitable for men and women. The pinnacle of the Goddess archetype is the Wisdom Goddess with side archetypes of the Mother and the luminous Devi. Discover the archetypes of the slumbering Goddesses or Shakti within us as Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kali, Durga, Tara and Kwan Yin. Unleash this Shakti, within you as the creative power of the One. This Shakti archetype guides us through all aspects of life transitions such as adulthood, relationships, marriage, parenting, profession, mentoring and finally enlightenment. With Shakti's guidance, we are able to fully express the heroine’s journey to Self Actualization.

Manoj will help you find your personal deity Goddess archetype

(This workshop is 80% lecture, 10% meditation, 5% Mantras and 5% light spiritual stretches.)

avatar for Dr Manoj Chalam

Dr Manoj Chalam

Manoj uses an entertaining storytelling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate deep Vedanta philosophy and help people in their hero’s journey. An Indian-born scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Kula Flow: A Supple Psoas

(1-2 Yoga Blocks Highly Recommended)

Your psoas is major. It’s one of the few muscles that connects your upper and lower body, and specifically your leg limbs to your spine. It is responsible for helping (or disrupting!) functional movement and breath and is intricately connected to the emotional body via the nervous system. This class will build toward backbending and inner/outer hip opening, where you will explore other ways than the often used crescent lunge to create a supple set of psoas.

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Sunday, June 16

5:00am EDT

✴️ Abhishekam and Aarthi: Purification Ritual for Narayani

In this early morning Bhakti ritual you can just come and sit and listen to the mantras and watch

5-6am Abhishekam is an ancient purification ritual practiced in temples across India. The beautiful and elaborate process of abhishekam is accompanied by Vedic chanting.Offerings such as water coconut water milk curd honey fruits sandalwood powder turmeric sacred ash rice and thulasi (holy basil) are used in the ritual bathing of the deity. It is an offering of love and pure devotion symbolically cleansing one’s inner self with positive thoughts.

6-6:20am Aarthi is an ancient practice of offering lamps to a deity. Symbolically the flame is infused with the Divine’s love blessings and energy. The light signifies the dispelling of darkness and ignorance in a person’s life and the universe bringing wisdom hope and illumination.

Tobias Meinecke is a long-time devotee of Indian saint Sri Sakthi Amma. This will be a special experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja, or ritualized meditation.

avatar for Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke is a film maker and devotee of Sri Sakthi Amma. As as devotee Tobias has been creating and hosting Pujas, or sacred ceremonies, for over 15 years all over the world. The Yagam or "Fire Ceremony" is typically offered at night while the Abisheikim or "Liquid Puja" is... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 5:00am - 6:15am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

Yoga for Pain

Yoga practices can be used for different purposes. Some people use practice for fitness. Some people are looking for transcendence. But, more and more, people are coming to yoga to address their pain. It could be either physical or mental pain, usually both.

The way yoga practice helps us address pain is not the same way we might practice for other purposes. Many conventional approaches unsuccessfully attempt to do both and often leave students ill equipped to develop effective personal practice that meets their needs.

In this workshop, J will examine the distinguishing characteristics of yoga practice that is geared towards a lessening of pain and developing individual agency. We will identify both the technical and philosophical aspects that determine both the experience we have, and results we receive.

avatar for J. Brown

J. Brown

For more than twenty years, J. Brown has been developing techniques to teach people how to practice yoga in a deeper and more fulfilling way. He is also a well known writer and podcaster, having been featured in Yoga Therapy Today, the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, and across... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

✴️ Yoga At The Crossroads

Now that the ascent of yoga into the mainstream has long since peaked and we are on the other side of the paradigm shattering years of the pandemic, yoga teachers have been left in quandary about how to navigate the new landscape. 

In this panel discussion, we will hear from teachers who have been witness to the evolution of yoga in the west about what their experiences have been and where they see things going.

avatar for J. Brown

J. Brown

For more than twenty years, J. Brown has been developing techniques to teach people how to practice yoga in a deeper and more fulfilling way. He is also a well known writer and podcaster, having been featured in Yoga Therapy Today, the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, and across... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

✴️ Align, Balance & Core: ABC’s of Chair Pilates Yoga By Pam RN

Join Pam Levin, RN and remain seated while you improve your posture, learn new ways to balance, all while building up your core! Pam’s focus is to incorporate brain and spinal cord health-boosting elements that promote neuroplasticity during every practice.
Dedicated to helping others achieve their goals and reach their full potential, Pam includes components of neurological rehabilitation into each session, enhancing the brain-body connection and neurological wellness.

avatar for Pam Levin, RN

Pam Levin, RN

Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Yoga By PamRN
Pam Levin, RN combines her passion for yoga with her background in nursing. For over 20 years, she’s honed her skills in Bikram, Hatha and Vinyasa throughout New York City and The Berkshires. She completed her 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher training at LifeWorks Studio in Great... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

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