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Clark Room, Country Inn [clear filter]
Thursday, June 13

9:00am EDT

The Celtic Wheel of the Year: Medicine for Circadian Health

The journey of human "Rewilding" includes the process by which we bring our lives back into harmony with nature's rhythms. Explore the ancient Celtic Wheel of the Year and learn about ways that you can bring your daily and seasonal life into harmony with the light/dark cycle governed by the Sun and Earth.

avatar for Micah Mortali

Micah Mortali

Director and Founder Kripalu School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership, Kripalu
Micah Mortali, is a change agent, public speaker, and expert in mindfulness, rewilding, nature connection, and traditional archery. He is the author of the highly acclaimed book Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature, published by Sounds True.In 2022... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn
Friday, June 14

9:30am EDT

✴️ Journaling with Ilana Ackerman

Grab a notebook and pencil or pen as we carve out time for self-reflection. We will work on what your intention is for the festival, what do you want to take away and what do you want to leave beyond. The session will be guided by Ilana Ackerman founder of Balancing the Journey and Berkshire Yoga Festival.

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Ilana Ackerman

Balancing the Journey

Friday June 14, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

11:00am EDT

This Is Your Brain On Yoga 🧠

Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah: yoga is the cessation of the modifications, or fluctuations, of the mind. In vedantic philosophy, every thought (vritti) leaves a “groove” or impression in the mind. Who we are, our habits, perspectives and attitudes are shaped by our environment and life experiences. In modern science, we understand this phenomenon as neuroplasticity. Yoga gives us the power to disrupt habituated patterns, effectively rewiring our brain.

Have you ever wondered why yoga makes you feel the way you do? How does a practice we do on a mat make an imprint on how we live our lives?
In this 90-minute lecture, you’ll explore the relationship between yoga and neuroscience, providing you with a new understanding of the power of yoga.
Lauren Turner, a trauma-informed yoga instructor and founder of 501(c)3 Warrior Within Yoga Project, will introduce you to the fundamentals of brain anatomy, the orchestration of the stress response, and what exactly is happening in the brain when we practice yoga.
Discussing the neurobiology of asana, pranayama and meditation, you will learn ways how to assimilate evidence-based practices that work with the nervous system, into your own practice or teaching.
A digital download, highlighting key take-aways will be provided to participants.

avatar for Lauren Turner

Lauren Turner

Founder & Executive Director, Warrior Within Yoga Project
Lauren Turner is the founder of Warrior Within Yoga Project, a trauma informed yoga instructor and business consultant known for her down-to-earth teaching style and collaborative nature. Lauren’s work with veterans and first responders, both as an instructor and nonprofit leader... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

1:30pm EDT

✴️ Stepping into Authenticity: How to have hard conversations with yourself so you can have hard conversations with others

In this 60-minute, fully experiential workshop we will explore and experiment with fostering the type of courageous clarity required to have difficult conversations with yourself, so that you can more successfully approach challenging conversations with others; the kinds of conversations that could make a difference in your life.

We will cover:
  • full-presence listening,
  • using emotional awareness to get clarity on what matters most,
  • formulating requests by understanding what you value, and
  • how to navigate resistance.

  • a (manageable for the context) internal conflict you’re struggling to resolve,
  • an open heart,
  • a curious mind, and
  • a body willing to mindfully move in the service of exploration.

avatar for Bridget Keller

Bridget Keller

Executive Communication Coach
I enjoy working with high capacity, high performing individuals, who, despite existing success, long to further develop their potential. My approach is whole-person and person-in-a-system focused. My work is grounded in research-based practices focused on creating sustainable change... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

3:00pm EDT

✴️ YES Talk: Healing Addiction: A Yogic Perspective

Typically, the term "addiction" is associated with substance abuse. However, a more comprehensive exploration uncovers not only behavioral or process 
addictions but also cultural addictions. Research highlights striking similarities between substance addiction, psychological dependencies on activities like compulsive gambling, sex, work, shopping, eating disorders, and cultural obsessions that permeate our daily lives. This expanded viewpoint indicates that addiction transcends the substance or behavior, extending to the cultural norms and practices we often overlook. In this module, we delve into the core issue of addiction, including its cultural aspects, and discuss solutions through the lens of yoga.

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 3:00pm - 3:20pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn
Saturday, June 15

8:00am EDT

✴️ Seva Flow: A Gentle Vinyasa

A gentle vinyasa class is an offering to quiet your mind, open your heart, and feel your spirit soar with Sarah Gardner, founder of Yoga Reaches Out.

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Sarah Gardner

Author of "Daily Jam" & Founder of Yoga Reaches Out
Sarah is an entrepreneur, personal trainer, yoga teacher, Reiki master, non- profit founder, author, and most importantly mother, wife, and friend.Her love of fitness and yoga began in college and has been an instrumental part of her life. Sarah started an in-home personal training... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

10:00am EDT

Y12SR: The 12th Step: “Practicing The Principles In All Our Affairs”

 Short talk and yoga practice that centers arguably the most important 7 words in the 12 step program.  

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

11:35am EDT

What is Enlightenment? From Buddha and the Yogis to Psychedelics

In Buddhism and Yoga philosophy, the path to enlightenment is fundamentally about consciousness and the realization of formless awareness. Given that we can only talk about enlightenment through conceptual knowing, this talk emphasizes particular themes and states in Buddhism and Yoga supporting a refining and transformation of consciousness states. This will include a consideration of Western scientific views of consciousness and the practical use of psychedelics to enhance transformative experiences.

avatar for Dr. Chris Berlin

Dr. Chris Berlin

Instructor of Buddhist Ministry, Harvard Divinity School
Chris Berlin is an instructor in spiritual counseling and Buddhist ministry at Harvard Divinity School, where he also serves as a counselor to Buddhist graduate students. His teaching ranges from counseling theory and practice, and contemplative approaches to clinical chaplaincy... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 11:35am - 12:55pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn
  Lecture / Talk

1:00pm EDT

✴️ Introduction to Permaculture: Designing Your Home, Farm and Business

Regenerative Farming, Biodynamics and Climate Resiliency
Climate change, economic collapse, flooding & wide spread pollution, are all pointing to a need for an articulate and comprehensive alternative. Permaculture is an ecological design science for creating fruitful and abundant communities.

Permaculture addresses the major issues of our day with a whole systems approach. It is a worldwide movement that is helping to regenerate local ecologies and economies.

Topics Covered:
• History and Origins of Permaculture
• Sustainable Cities
• Natural Building
• Best Places To Live & Start Communities and Homesteads
• Climate Resilience
• Off Grid Energy
• Ecological Water Solutions
• Agroforestry Tropical to Temperate & Starting Nurseries
• Bio-intensive, Organic & Regenerative Farming

avatar for Andrew Faust

Andrew Faust

One of the premier Permaculture teachers and designers in North America with over two decades of experience in the field. His passionate and mind expanding talks and curriculum have motivated teachers, students since his decade long career as a H.S. teacher at Upattina's, a open community... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

2:30pm EDT

✴️ Unlocking Your Creative Potential

Accessing and developing a healthy creative process is an essential skill for creators across all mediums (yogis, artists, writers, etc.).  But insecurity, procrastination, and the challenges of modern life often get in the way of harnessing our potential. In this workshop hosted by Sawyer Hurwitz (Psychotronic Solutions) we'll explore the multifaceted nature of creative work, blending scientific insights with practical guidance to unlock your true creative capabilities. 

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Psychotronic Solutions: Sawyer Hurwitz

Sawyer Hurwitz, better known as Psychotronic Solutions, is an augmented reality collage artist living out of Los Angeles, California. His work has shown in galleries and festivals around the world. Psychotronic Solution’s collages are intricate meditations on topics related to identity... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

4:00pm EDT

✴️ Business of Yoga: The Roadmap for Financial Freedom + Career Longevity

Are you a part-time yoga teacher whose scared to make the leap to full-time because you're worried about the money? You have a day job you're dying to leave but you can't understand how you could possibly make a living as a yoga teacher? Are you a full-time yoga teacher whose starting to experience burnout and looking for a long term sustainable career path? The good news is... there is a way...

In this workshop you will Explore:

  • Your Relationship With Money
  • The Problem(s) with the Current Yoga Teaching Model
  • A Realistic Path to Passive Income
  • The 4 Noble Truths of Growing a Yoga Business
You will Learn about and Workshop your Roadmap:
  • How to choose a Niche in 5 mins.
  • Your first digital download to grow an audience
  • Your first passive income online product
  • How to create Medium and High Ticket offers that Help People.

The hustle required for creating success as a yoga teacher is real, and so is the burnout that comes with it. With a combined 25+ years as entrepreneurs in the yoga and wellness space, Kate Lombardo and Patrick Franco, co-directors of YogaRenew— the largest online teacher training program in the world— have worn every “hat” there is a yoga teacher. In this session, they’ll teach you how to lay the foundation for a business that focuses on earning you more money and giving you back your most valuable currency— your time— so you can build a prosperous and sustainable career sharing the practice you love.

Brought BYF Platinum Sponsor, YogaRenew.

avatar for Patrick Franco

Patrick Franco

Co-Director, Yoga Renew
Revered as the yoga teacher’s yoga teacher, Patrick Franco has leveraged his extensive knowledge across yoga and eastern medicine to develop and inspire some of the world’s most influential yoga instructors. His magnetic demeanor has been a guiding light for the international... Read More →
avatar for Kate Lombardo

Kate Lombardo

Co-Director, YogaRenew
Kate Lombardo is a Conscious Business Mentor and Yoga Teacher Trainer. As co-director of YogaRenew, the world’s largest yoga teacher training program, her work as a yoga instructor spans the globe, touching tens of thousands of students internationally. She is fiercely passionate... Read More →


Saturday June 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn
Sunday, June 16

8:00am EDT

Vision Board for Manifesting Your Dreams

In this experiential workshop, we will explore the power of creativity & intention.  Amanda will walk you through a step-by-step process of self-exploration through connecting with artistic medium including images, photos, and Nature. You will create a vision board collage harnessing clarity to manifest your next steps on living into a life that lights you up. When we show up for ourselves with an open heart, trust in the process, and are witnessed in community; beautiful things are created.  You will leave this class with your uniquely and "just right" crafted vision board to take home and anchor you long after the festival ends.  
Materials will be provided.

avatar for Amanda Raymond

Amanda Raymond

Amanda Raymond, M.Ed, is the visionary & CEO of ONE LIFE.LIVE IT.  She is an international retreat leader, teacher, artist, and health coach with 20+ years of experience empowering children, women, and businesses.  ONE LIFE.LIFE IT. curates, hosts, & leads domestic and international... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 8:00am - 9:10am EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

9:30am EDT

Mindfulness and Resilience on the Buddha’s Path to Awakening

The Buddha’s original teaching on mindfulness remains a practical approach to cultivating well-being, insight, and wisdom leading to awakening. This talk applies the four stages of mindfulness to a new theory of resilience as informed by Buddhist practice and positive psychology for ultimate flourishing.

avatar for Dr. Chris Berlin

Dr. Chris Berlin

Instructor of Buddhist Ministry, Harvard Divinity School
Chris Berlin is an instructor in spiritual counseling and Buddhist ministry at Harvard Divinity School, where he also serves as a counselor to Buddhist graduate students. His teaching ranges from counseling theory and practice, and contemplative approaches to clinical chaplaincy... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn
  Lecture / Talk

11:30am EDT

✴️ Accepting Radical Truth

What does it mean to live your truth? And why is it sometimes difficult? In this workshop, we'll explore the evolutionary and environmental roots behind insecurity. As we uncover the toxic hegemonies that limit our self-expression, we'll also learn practical techniques to embody and communicate your authentic self.

avatar for Psychotronic Solutions: Sawyer Hurwitz

Psychotronic Solutions: Sawyer Hurwitz

Sawyer Hurwitz, better known as Psychotronic Solutions, is an augmented reality collage artist living out of Los Angeles, California. His work has shown in galleries and festivals around the world. Psychotronic Solution’s collages are intricate meditations on topics related to identity... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

2:00pm EDT

✴️ Freedom Through Impermanence

How does the Buddhist view of change and impermanence include the opportunity for growth, flourishing and personal transformation? This talk will emphasize the “Four Seals” of Buddhism and how these can turn our resistance to change into a sense of freedom.

avatar for Dr. Chris Berlin

Dr. Chris Berlin

Instructor of Buddhist Ministry, Harvard Divinity School
Chris Berlin is an instructor in spiritual counseling and Buddhist ministry at Harvard Divinity School, where he also serves as a counselor to Buddhist graduate students. His teaching ranges from counseling theory and practice, and contemplative approaches to clinical chaplaincy... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

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