Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort [clear filter]
Thursday, June 13

9:00am EDT

Vagus Voyage: An Embodied Tour of the Vagus Nerve and its Influence

Neural flexibility. Neural resilience. Neuroscience. If these terms seem heady, this workshop will help you embody your brain’s neural playground….your body. The vagus nerve is beloved by humans for being our chief parasympathetic (relaxation response) nerve. But new science around the influence of the vagus has shifted our understanding of parasympathetic responses. This workshop teaches you how to access the three anatomical zones innervated by the vagus nerve, and how each zone affects our state of perception and quality of being. The workshop includes novel breath-based exercises coupled with soft-tissue self-massage and positional release in order to feel the fascinating interplay of stimulating sympathetic and parasympathetic modes of being. Learn to distinguish between the myelinated and unmyelinated vagus pathways and become familiar with Polyvagal Theory. Ultimately it will help you to be more aware of your own state and help you foster a safe environment for your students.

*Bring your favorite self-myofascial release balls to use in the practice portion. Jill will be using Yoga Tune Up® Balls and a Coregeous® Ball.

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Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Fascia Familiar: Accessible Soft Tissue Self-Care

Fascia science continues to produce exciting findings that are relevant to Yoga Therapists and clinical practitioners for integrative health care. By now you’re likely familiar with the term fascia and have explored different modalities that impact fascial tissues. In this session, learn the most recent evidence based research on self-myofascial release and entertain your own fascial tissues with intriguing self-myofascial release techniques inspired by this burgeoning field.

*Bring your favorite self-myofascial release balls to use in the practice portion. Jill will be using Yoga Tune Up® Balls and a Coregeous® Ball.

avatar for Jill Miller

Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

7:00pm EDT

Rhythm of the Soul: An Immersive Dance Journey

Immerse yourself in a transformative evening with renowned musical artist DJ Taz Rashid as he guides you through a unique blend of dance, meditation, and heart-centered music. The experience begins with a grounding meditation, tuning into the rhythm of your breath, igniting your inner voice and setting a personal intention. As the atmosphere shifts, invigorating beats will lead you on a dance journey through the five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Ether. Each element connects with qualities we embody daily, fostering a sense of peace and unity through your own expressive movement. Embrace this deeply personal yet immersive musical journey enveloping you in the resonance of DJ Taz's original music, enchanting visuals, light-guided journeys, songs, and poetry. This is an opportunity to spotlight the story of YOU, unearthing your dreams, desires, and personal truth. No dance experience necessary – all you need is an open heart and a willingness to explore.

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DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Friday, June 14

7:00am EDT

✴️ Sunrise HIIT: Energize, Strengthen, and Empower Your Day

Start your morning with an exhilarating HIIT class, where you'll experience a dynamic blend of high-intensity intervals and energizing movements designed to wake yourself up, boost metabolism, and improve overall strength and endurance. Get ready to push your limits, break a sweat, and leave feeling empowered and revitalized.

avatar for Katie Armstrong

Katie Armstrong

Katie Armstrong, a transformational fitness and life coach, helps women over 35 achieve hormonal balance, gain strength and boost energy. With experience as a competitive triathlete, attorney, and entrepreneur, and with over 20 years experience as a yoga practitioner; she offers a... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 7:00am - 7:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

Shoulder Tune Up: Tech Reset

If you find your phone has become practically bonded to your palm, it may be time to review the anatomy and physiology of your shoulder girdle. “Tech Neck” is a common phenomenon that impacts all age groups. It can create a widespread Upper Crossed Syndrome pain but can be improved through movement and massage. This session improves your proprioception of the shoulder girdle and neck, and strengthens your upper back. Using a combination of rolling, corrective exercise and specific tune ups, this is the perfect class for those bedraggled by tech neck.  PROPS: Yoga Mat, Yoga Block, Yoga Strap, Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls, Coregeous® Ball

avatar for Jill Miller

Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Arm Balances: Unlock Your Potential

Arm balances are some of the most fun, exciting, and challenging poses of the yoga practice. They can also be intimidating and discouraging without the proper technique and guidance. This workshop will provide you with a step by step approach to build your confidence, and help you focus on the key points that will unlock a wide range of arm balances. Each technique provided will be shared with the utmost attention to detail, providing you with the highest level of clarity.

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

The OM Workshop – The Yoga of Sound, Breath, Resonance & Vibration

In a yoga class, one of the first opportunities for students to connect with their teacher is through a shared “OM” but how often do we pay as much attention to the details of this sound as we do to the nuance of asana? Leslie will deconstruct the phonetics of this complex, resonant, sacred vibration with a review of the phonetic map of the mouth embedded in the Sanskrit alphabet. He will lead students in a simple chanting practice to blend exploration of the relationship between sound, physical support and movement.

avatar for Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. He is an internationally recognized specialist with four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga and breath anatomy. He leads workshops for many of the leading yoga associations, schools and training... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
  Yoga, Lecture

2:00pm EDT

Flow Into Bliss

Reconnect to joy in this fun and upbeat yoga class filled with great music, inspiring poetry, and philosophy. You will be encouraged to move mindfully, in a way that brings a feeling of ease, grace, connection and concentration. The class will culminate with a seated meditation followed by a deeply restful and blissful guided relaxation. All levels.

avatar for MC Yogi

MC Yogi

Artist, MC YOGI
MC YOGI is a recording artist, award-winning author, and yoga teacher. He's taught yoga and performed across the globe including headlining at Wanderlust festivals in over 30 US cities as well as Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, and Korea. His unique style of music and teaching is joy-filled... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
  Yoga, Live Music

4:00pm EDT

The Most Powerful Breath You'll Ever Take

…is your very first breath. It transforms your entire physiology from its non-breathing, non-eating fetal state to that of an independent entity that must oxygenate its own blood, seek out its own nutrition, eliminate its waste and navigate a world of gravity and space. For the rest of our lives, we will have to negotiate this intricate dance between our internal and external spaces.
A breath-centered yoga practice offers you the opportunity to take the second-most transformational breaths you will ever take, and that is the specific goal of this workshop. Through inspiration, education and reflection, Leslie Kaminoff will lead you through a series of practices that will forever transform your relationship to your breathing body.

avatar for Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. He is an internationally recognized specialist with four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga and breath anatomy. He leads workshops for many of the leading yoga associations, schools and training... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

7:00pm EDT

Ecstatic Flow to Release Emotional Blockages

This class is designed to provide an invigorating experience of embodiment through rhythmic movements and uplifting tunes. It allows individuals to express themselves freely, releasing stress, tension and pent-up emotions. A combination of healing modalities are used to clear energy blockages and regulate the nervous system, including tapping, shaking, dynamic stretching, breathwork and primal sounding. The mixture of rhythmic movement guided by Dima Bosko and uplifting music played by Patino Vazquez can induce a state of euphoria, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It is a unique, artful and powerful form of therapy that connects people to their bodies, emotions and the present moment, facilitating self discovery and joyful inner healing.
Additional details.
● We begin with a mini somatic movement ‘workshop’ which introduces you to the tools
used throughout the class.
● The journey progresses into a unique experience for each individual while remaining
attuned to the group field.
● The class culminates in soothing vibrational sounds infused with heart opening mantra
and a gathering circle facilitated by a cacao offering.

avatar for Dima Bosko

Dima Bosko

One Voice Yoga & Wellness
Dima is the the creator of One Voice Yoga and her interest lies in the practical application of spiritual illumination, embodiment practices and functional movement. As a student of consciousness for many years, she has thousands of hours of trainings in the field of yoga, meditation... Read More →
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Patiño Vazquez

I am the President and co-founder of Fireseed Arts Studios in Framingham, Massachusetts which began as a social enterprise and incubator for creative, sustainable ideas and business. Using music and visual arts as environmental outreach with programs to contemplate the challenges... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Saturday, June 15

7:00am EDT

✴️ Awaken and Empower: Energizing HIIT Class to Boost Metabolism

Start your morning with an exhilarating HIIT class, where you'll experience a dynamic blend of high-intensity intervals and energizing movements designed to wake yourself up, boost metabolism, and improve overall strength and endurance. Get ready to push your limits, break a sweat, and leave feeling empowered and revitalized.

avatar for Katie Armstrong

Katie Armstrong

Katie Armstrong, a transformational fitness and life coach, helps women over 35 achieve hormonal balance, gain strength and boost energy. With experience as a competitive triathlete, attorney, and entrepreneur, and with over 20 years experience as a yoga practitioner; she offers a... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 7:00am - 7:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

The Path of Wonder and Delight: Instinctive Meditation

Join Coby and delve into an experience of Instinctive Meditation®. This path invites you to touch the sacred in the midst of everyday life by gazing at nature, cherishing the breath, bathing in silence, dancing, chanting, and loving. The Instinctive Meditation® approach is designed to allow you to savor, celebrate, and welcome all of life. It is a way of learning and practicing meditation so that it becomes the most natural thing in the world. Come, remember how miraculous life is, and discover a rich, rewarding meditation practice for yourself.

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Kula Flow: Strength & Stability

1-2 Blocks Highly recommended.

While I will never say “stretching is bad” (because it isn’t), there’s plenty of access to opening the body in this way within the yoga world. This class will tackle strength and stability, and while it won’t be a conditioning class, you will learn ways to create strength in your muscles and stability in your joints that you can apply to your current yoga practice, vinyasa or otherwise. It’s a modern approach to sthira sukha asana: strong but not rigid, pliable but not without stable boundaries. You will still flow! These workshop ideas will be taught within the context of a Kula Flow (vinyasa) structure.

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Shushumna Nadi in Theory & Practice: The Central Pillar of Krishnamacharya's Yoga

An organizing principle of Krishnamacharya’s breath-centered approach to yoga theory and practice involves the opening of the central channel of the energetic body – the Shushumna Nadi.  Leslie’s uniquely anatomical and experiential perspective on this topic refers to this as “vertical axis integration.”  This session will explore this idea in a practice sequence that integrates asana, kriya, bandha, mudra, pranayama. The session will conclude with a dhyana on the imagery derived from Krishnamacharya’s unique perspective on Prana/Apana, Kundalini and Agni.

avatar for Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. He is an internationally recognized specialist with four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga and breath anatomy. He leads workshops for many of the leading yoga associations, schools and training... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Hips: Align • Refine • Release

This highly informative and rigorous practice will help you expand your body awareness, increase your strength and maximize your flexibility. Through targeted muscle engagements and joint alignments you will learn how to change the way you sit, stand, move, and practice yoga. This class will empower and inform you on the necessary techniques that create long lasting changes in your body.

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Tantra Yoga: Align with Nature’s Way and Yoga Nidra

Tantra means “loom,” like a weaver’s loom, where you weave back together the various threads of yourself –
body, mind, and heart with the infinite, unbounded, universal spirit. Tantra is the recognition that you are
already enough and worthy just as you are. Practice a sequence of gentle asanas (standing poses, hip openers,
twists, and forward bends) leading to Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep), a deep, guided, ecstatic relaxation perfect for
ending your day.
During this class, you
  •  Align with nature’s way through the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky)
  •  Quiet the mind and cultivate deep inner peace through Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep)
  •  Receive hands-on adjustments to improve your alignment technique
  •  Release tension and stress and return home to your heart where you are already accepted and whole
  •  Enjoy Todd’s music throughout the class
Ashaya Yoga is an accessible, therapeutic, and safe practice for all levels of beginners to advanced yogis.
Modifications are given and you’re encouraged to go at your own pace.

Recommended reading: Todd Norian, Tantra Yoga: Journey to Unbreakable Wholeness, A Memoir; Ashaya
Yoga: Align Your Body, Awaken Your Heart Manual; Introduction to Ashaya Yoga Therapy Manua

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Todd Norian

Todd Norian, E-RYT 500, YACEP, internationally acclaimed yoga teacher, author of Tantra Yoga: Journey to Unbreakable Wholeness, A Memoir, and founder of Ashaya Yoga®, has practiced and taught yoga for over 42 years. Designated a Kripalu Legacy faculty member, Todd became a Kripalu... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Sunday, June 16

7:00am EDT

✴️ Sunrise HIIT: Energize, Boost Metabolism, and Strengthen

Start your morning with an exhilarating HIIT class, where you'll experience a dynamic blend of high-intensity intervals and energizing movements designed to wake yourself up, boost metabolism, and improve overall strength and endurance. Get ready to push your limits, break a sweat, and leave feeling empowered and revitalized.

avatar for Katie Armstrong

Katie Armstrong

Katie Armstrong, a transformational fitness and life coach, helps women over 35 achieve hormonal balance, gain strength and boost energy. With experience as a competitive triathlete, attorney, and entrepreneur, and with over 20 years experience as a yoga practitioner; she offers a... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 7:00am - 7:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

Mantras, Beats and Meditations

Mantra is tool for the mind to help us overcome obstacles. Beats are an expression of the heart that help us connect as we move and breath together. Meditation is a practice cultivating a peaceful attitude. Join us as we weave these elements together to create an unforgettable, joyful and transformative yoga experience.

avatar for MC Yogi

MC Yogi

Artist, MC YOGI
MC YOGI is a recording artist, award-winning author, and yoga teacher. He's taught yoga and performed across the globe including headlining at Wanderlust festivals in over 30 US cities as well as Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, and Korea. His unique style of music and teaching is joy-filled... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Kula Flow: Polish the Breath

In this class we will explore how the breath can be used to illuminate both the seen and unseen parts of ourselves. Through traditional yogic and nontraditional breath methods, you will get to know the trampoline of the diaphragm, the joint created within the relationship of the lungs and the heart, your pecs, psoas, tongue and your guts. We will manipulate the nervous system and create vagal tone, free up the highway between the brain and the belly, and explore bandha.

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Four Tenets of Transformational Hands-On-Assists

This workshop is geared for yoga teachers or fitness professionals who work with individuals in group-class or one-on-one settings.
One of the main goals of yoga is to improve the flow of prana (energy or life-force) in the body. We use yoga asanas to help improve prana flow. Sometimes our students can’t access that state in their postures due to many factors.  A kind and compassionate hands-on-assist can facilitate the flow energy in the body by:
  • providing stability 
  • creating grounding
  • creating space in the body
  • helping improve breath. 
In this hands-on experiential workshop, we will learn the four main principles that will take your hands-on-assists to the next level and help your students experience postures in a whole new way.
We will learn to recognise when and where prana is restricted in the body in various asanas and learn the methods in which we can help improve prana flow with hands-on-assists. When prana is unlocked, the students can experience each pose in a more enjoyable, beneficial as well as more safe manner.
We will discuss student consent, approach, as well as how to use your hands with kindness and compassion for the health and wellness of your students. All of us are healers, we just need to fine-tune our senses and learn the power of our healing touch.

Brought to you by Studio Partner, Coolidge Corner Yoga

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Tatyana Souza

owner, Coolidge Corner Yoga
As a PhD of Immunology and an E-RYT 500, Tatyana Souza weaves together seamlessly her health and body knowledge from eastern and western traditions. Inspired by the mental benefits of consistent yoga practice and by her family, Tatyana left her career in the pharmaceutical industry... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

The Portable Practice: Restorative Yoga on The Go

Would you like to be able to take your Restorative Yoga practice with you anywhere? Want to get all the benefits of Restorative Yoga, the relaxation and the healing serenity, without the need for bolsters, blocks and props? Or do you just want to feel like you've spent the afternoon on a sunny island beach? Regardless of your reason for showing up, this relaxing workshop will teach you how to do Restorative Yoga with minimal props. This is a restorative yoga practice you can do anywhere with just your favorite blanket and a pillow. You’ll be guided through a gentle, slow-moving sequence, the restorative postures will calm your mind, open your heart and relieve your stress, all while relaxing in perfect comfort. All you need is a pillow and blanket but please dress in layers.

avatar for Gail Grossman

Gail Grossman

Gail Grossman, is Yoga Educator, Author & Guide. Considered a teacher of teachers Gail has been sharing the gift of yoga for decades. She educates and supports Yoga Students & Teachers to develop their skills and maximize the benefits of this ancient practice using a modern approach... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

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