✴️ Community Event [clear filter]
Friday, June 14

8:00am EDT

✴️ Create Your "Me Bubble": Sensory Based Immersion Experience

Eligible for Yoga Alliance CE

In this workshop you will experience healing in all 5 senses. The room will be purified beginning the night before with air purification, sound and light purification. Sound and color are mixed to provide an immersive healing experience. Sound Immersive headphones are used to bring your mind into deep focus. Bharati Carla is an LPN, Master Healer, and Kundalini Yogini.

We are witnessing significantly higher incidence of physical and mental health decline, which can have minor to debilitating effects of quality of life. Anxiety is now the #1 actual diagnosis post-pandemic, meaning people may have sought medical help for something else then actually told their symptom is a result of anxiety.
Reconditioning the nervous system is key. Any time we improve the brain and nervous system function, we improve the biochemistry in the body, and our experience of ourselves and our lives.

Experience firsthand how Sensory-Based Immersive (SBI) practices enhance a wellness event with beneficial stimuli for all the senses! Sensory-Based Immersion spaces allow the user to find their way to a more regulated state- a combination of soothing to sensory pathways that were overstimulated, and awakening to pathways that were less receptive or underutilized.

SBI protocols help wellness experts create environments that are more friendly to a variety of neuro processing styles, and help shift a nervous system from tired and wired to calm and inspired! This heightened state of awareness, safety and receptivity allows guests of your classes and workshops to better engage in most any teaching, healing or creativity modality.

These protocols are transferable across different types of events, whether for community health, workplace wellness or incorporated into professional training and organizational gatherings.

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Bharati Carla

Healer, Soma Vayu Garden
Bharati Carla has a passion for creating conscious somatic spaces for wellness.  As the founder of Yoga Healing Consortium, Garden of Healing Yoga & Wellness, and co-founder of Soma Vayu Garden, Bharati is a soft-skills trainer- teaching concepts of yogic science and humanology to... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Thunderbolt Room

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