Transformation and Personal Growth [clear filter]
Thursday, June 13

9:00pm EDT

✴️ YAGAM GANESHA Outdoor Fire Ritual

After the physical yoga is done for the day join us for an authentic experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja.

Yagam  (yagna or homam) is an ancient sacred fire ritual where auspicious items such as ghee (clarified butter) are offered into the sacred agni (fire) and to the devas (celestial beings). Vedic chants accompany this. Various types of yagam items offered may vary with each ceremony and hold specific symbolism. The purpose of this ritual is for loka kalyan (the benefit of humankind).

Tobias Meinecke is a long-time devotee of Indian saint Sri Sakthi Amma. This will be a special experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja, or ritualized meditation.

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Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke is a film maker and devotee of Sri Sakthi Amma. As as devotee Tobias has been creating and hosting Pujas, or sacred ceremonies, for over 15 years all over the world. The Yagam or "Fire Ceremony" is typically offered at night while the Abisheikim or "Liquid Puja" is... Read More →
avatar for Dr Manoj Chalam

Dr Manoj Chalam

Manoj uses an entertaining storytelling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate deep Vedanta philosophy and help people in their hero’s journey. An Indian-born scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 9:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Slackline Park, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Friday, June 14

6:30am EDT

✴️ Morning Meditation: Ground & Focus w/Taoist Wisdom

Early risers start your day right with a 15 mins of gentle stretching and a 30 min meditation and contemplation of yogic wisdom practice. Meditation will be partially guided in the Sahm Je Taoist tradition.  Beginning your day with meditation is scientifically proven to improve your energy levels and focus throughout the day.

avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 6:30am - 7:15am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

9:00am EDT

Yoga and Transformative Inner Work (TIW) (Part 1)

Join Seane for an empowering journey of body, mind, and spirit and experience the deep psycho/somatic work of TIW (Transformational Inner Work) that leads to personal growth and development that can propel you toward a more genuine and fulfilling life!
Within the realm of yoga, TIW seamlessly incorporates asanas, pranayama,  energetic anatomy, meditation, contemplation, and an exploration of yoga philosophy and spiritual practices. 
Through this work, you can reshape hidden patterns, beliefs, and emotions that influence your thoughts, actions, and relationships.
These practices will also include reflection, journal writing, and deep introspection as you begin to unpack the complexities of your inner world, uncovering elements that may be obstructing your progress or causing conflict or suffering. 
This meaningful and transformative experience goes beyond the physical aspects of yoga, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom, cultivate self-compassion, and nurture profound connections with yourself and others. 
Be prepared to dive deep, self-reflect, release energy, feed your soul, align with Source, and open your body, heart, and mind to freedom, happiness, and empowerment. 
This 6-Hour Immersion meets Friday, June 14th 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm. Those who book into the session will automatically be added into both the morning session and part 2 in the afternoon.

avatar for Seane Corn

Seane Corn

Seane Corn (she/her) is an internationally-acclaimed yoga teacher, author, and public speaker who has been at the forefront of yoga, activism, and community service for 30+ years. Known for her social activism and impassioned teaching style, Seane is raw, honest, articulate, and spiritually... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Greylock Hall, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Intro to Y12SR: The Yoga of 12 Step Recovery

The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) is a relapse prevention program that was created as a holistic model to address the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. Informed by the latest research in neuroscience and trauma healing, Y12SR “connects the dots” by combining the ancient wisdom and somatic approach of yoga with the cognitive approach of the most well-known addictive recovery program in the world, the 12-step recovery model.

Y12SR’s sustainable recovery program is based in the yoga sutra 2.16 ~ “Future suffering can be avoided.” There is a solution. The path and purpose of yoga and the 12-step recovery program are similar and two-fold: freedom / emancipation (from suffering) and fulfillment (to skillfully navigate through the world while thriving in every area of life).

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Yoga and Transformative Inner Work (TIW) (Part 2)

The afternoon with Seane continues...
Join Seane for an empowering journey of body, mind, and spirit and experience the deep psycho/somatic work of TIW (Transformational Inner Work) that leads to personal growth and development that can propel you toward a more genuine and fulfilling life!
Within the realm of yoga, TIW seamlessly incorporates asanas, pranayama,  energetic anatomy, meditation, contemplation, and an exploration of yoga philosophy and spiritual practices. 
Through this work, you can reshape hidden patterns, beliefs, and emotions that influence your thoughts, actions, and relationships.
These practices will also include reflection, journal writing, and deep introspection as you begin to unpack the complexities of your inner world, uncovering elements that may be obstructing your progress or causing conflict or suffering. 
This meaningful and transformative experience goes beyond the physical aspects of yoga, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom, cultivate self-compassion, and nurture profound connections with yourself and others. 
Be prepared to dive deep, self-reflect, release energy, feed your soul, align with Source, and open your body, heart, and mind to freedom, happiness, and empowerment. 
This 6-Hour Immersion meets Friday, June 14th 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm. Those who book into the session will automatically be added into both the morning session and part 2 in the afternoon.

avatar for Seane Corn

Seane Corn

Seane Corn (she/her) is an internationally-acclaimed yoga teacher, author, and public speaker who has been at the forefront of yoga, activism, and community service for 30+ years. Known for her social activism and impassioned teaching style, Seane is raw, honest, articulate, and spiritually... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Greylock Hall, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

7:00pm EDT

Ecstatic Flow to Release Emotional Blockages

This class is designed to provide an invigorating experience of embodiment through rhythmic movements and uplifting tunes. It allows individuals to express themselves freely, releasing stress, tension and pent-up emotions. A combination of healing modalities are used to clear energy blockages and regulate the nervous system, including tapping, shaking, dynamic stretching, breathwork and primal sounding. The mixture of rhythmic movement guided by Dima Bosko and uplifting music played by Patino Vazquez can induce a state of euphoria, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It is a unique, artful and powerful form of therapy that connects people to their bodies, emotions and the present moment, facilitating self discovery and joyful inner healing.
Additional details.
● We begin with a mini somatic movement ‘workshop’ which introduces you to the tools
used throughout the class.
● The journey progresses into a unique experience for each individual while remaining
attuned to the group field.
● The class culminates in soothing vibrational sounds infused with heart opening mantra
and a gathering circle facilitated by a cacao offering.

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Dima Bosko

One Voice Yoga & Wellness
Dima is the the creator of One Voice Yoga and her interest lies in the practical application of spiritual illumination, embodiment practices and functional movement. As a student of consciousness for many years, she has thousands of hours of trainings in the field of yoga, meditation... Read More →
avatar for Patiño Vazquez

Patiño Vazquez

I am the President and co-founder of Fireseed Arts Studios in Framingham, Massachusetts which began as a social enterprise and incubator for creative, sustainable ideas and business. Using music and visual arts as environmental outreach with programs to contemplate the challenges... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

9:00pm EDT

✴️ YAGAM GANESHA Outdoor Fire Ritual

After the physical yoga is done for the day join us for an authentic experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja.

Yagam  (yagna or homam) is an ancient sacred fire ritual where auspicious items such as ghee (clarified butter) are offered into the sacred agni (fire) and to the devas (celestial beings). Vedic chants accompany this. Various types of yagam items offered may vary with each ceremony and hold specific symbolism. The purpose of this ritual is for loka kalyan (the benefit of humankind).

Tobias Meinecke is a long-time devotee of Indian saint Sri Sakthi Amma. This will be a special experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja, or ritualized meditation.

avatar for Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke is a film maker and devotee of Sri Sakthi Amma. As as devotee Tobias has been creating and hosting Pujas, or sacred ceremonies, for over 15 years all over the world. The Yagam or "Fire Ceremony" is typically offered at night while the Abisheikim or "Liquid Puja" is... Read More →
avatar for Dr Manoj Chalam

Dr Manoj Chalam

Manoj uses an entertaining storytelling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate deep Vedanta philosophy and help people in their hero’s journey. An Indian-born scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 9:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Slackline Park, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Saturday, June 15

8:00am EDT

The Path of Wonder and Delight: Instinctive Meditation

Join Coby and delve into an experience of Instinctive Meditation®. This path invites you to touch the sacred in the midst of everyday life by gazing at nature, cherishing the breath, bathing in silence, dancing, chanting, and loving. The Instinctive Meditation® approach is designed to allow you to savor, celebrate, and welcome all of life. It is a way of learning and practicing meditation so that it becomes the most natural thing in the world. Come, remember how miraculous life is, and discover a rich, rewarding meditation practice for yourself.

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Shushumna Nadi in Theory & Practice: The Central Pillar of Krishnamacharya's Yoga

An organizing principle of Krishnamacharya’s breath-centered approach to yoga theory and practice involves the opening of the central channel of the energetic body – the Shushumna Nadi.  Leslie’s uniquely anatomical and experiential perspective on this topic refers to this as “vertical axis integration.”  This session will explore this idea in a practice sequence that integrates asana, kriya, bandha, mudra, pranayama. The session will conclude with a dhyana on the imagery derived from Krishnamacharya’s unique perspective on Prana/Apana, Kundalini and Agni.

avatar for Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. He is an internationally recognized specialist with four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga and breath anatomy. He leads workshops for many of the leading yoga associations, schools and training... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

Revolution of the Soul

The revolution begins within!
We have work to do, and the time is NOW for all of us to wake up and do what needs to be done to create a world that is just, fair, free, equal, safe, happy, healthy, and peace-filled for ALL beings everywhere. 
Following some of the practical and spiritual guidelines from my book, Revolution of the Soul, join me for this unique class and unpack how the inside/out work of personal transformation can change both ourselves and the world we live and share. 
In this class, we will explore our evolution, the work we do on ourselves that inspires growth, and our revolution, the work we do in the world to create social change. 
Understanding that our evolution is the revolution, the class will begin with a dharma talk, followed by a powerful and thought-provoking practice that includes pranayama, asana, and meditation while applying spiritual context to re-frame personal narratives and connecting sacred texts to modern circumstances. 
This unique embodied practice, coupled with deep reflection, can help shift our limiting beliefs and reaffirm our commitment to healing our relationship with ourselves, Spirit, this planet, and each other…  all in the name of peace.
That’s a revolution worth loving for!

avatar for Seane Corn

Seane Corn

Seane Corn (she/her) is an internationally-acclaimed yoga teacher, author, and public speaker who has been at the forefront of yoga, activism, and community service for 30+ years. Known for her social activism and impassioned teaching style, Seane is raw, honest, articulate, and spiritually... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Greylock Hall, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Intro to Sonic Chakra Balancing

Experience a Sonic Chakra Balancing Workshop with Char Willingham, an immersive experience designed to align and rejuvenate your body’s seven energy centers using the power of sound. This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through the ancient practice of sound healing. You’ll explore the seven primary energy centers, each linked to specific aspects of your emotional and physical being. Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of various instruments, each aligned with particular chakras, to harmoniously open, balance, and activate your energy centers. Participate in this interactive session, where you learn to use sound healing tools and techniques for personal care and to assist others, offering practical skills for everyday use while enriching your understanding of chakras and sound’s therapeutic power, suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners. This Sonic Chakra Balancing Workshop offers a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the chakra system and the healing power of sound.

avatar for Char Willingham

Char Willingham

Char Willingham (she/her) is a Bipoc Sound Alchemist & Practitioner Trainer, Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500, RPYT & YACEP), Movement Professional, Meditation Guide, Drumming, Sacred Cacao & Women’s Empowerment Facilitator.Char’s lifelong study of movement has taken her on an incredible... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

4:00pm EDT

Developing a Strong Spiritual Core

The latest neuroscience research shows that people with a strong "spiritual core" experience less anxiety and depression than those that don't. But what do we mean by a "strong spiritual core?" And how does yoga help someone develop it?

You'll often hear people say that yoga is "spiritual but not religious." Yet, it's not always clear what distinguishes one from the other or what either has to do with a breathing and moving practice.

In this workshop, J. Brown will offer simple practice and facilitate discussion around different philosophical viewpoints and the notion of a higher power in the context of yoga. This will include the relationship between meditation and prayer, soul and creator, intuition, and ways in which we might develop receptivity and direction.

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J. Brown

For more than twenty years, J. Brown has been developing techniques to teach people how to practice yoga in a deeper and more fulfilling way. He is also a well known writer and podcaster, having been featured in Yoga Therapy Today, the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, and across... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Sunday, June 16

6:30am EDT

✴️ Abhishekam and Aarthi: Purification Ritual for Narayani

In this early morning Bhakti ritual you can just come and sit and listen to the mantras and watch

5-6am Abhishekam is an ancient purification ritual practiced in temples across India. The beautiful and elaborate process of abhishekam is accompanied by Vedic chanting.Offerings such as water coconut water milk curd honey fruits sandalwood powder turmeric sacred ash rice and thulasi (holy basil) are used in the ritual bathing of the deity. It is an offering of love and pure devotion symbolically cleansing one’s inner self with positive thoughts.

6-6:20am Aarthi is an ancient practice of offering lamps to a deity. Symbolically the flame is infused with the Divine’s love blessings and energy. The light signifies the dispelling of darkness and ignorance in a person’s life and the universe bringing wisdom hope and illumination.

Tobias Meinecke is a long-time devotee of Indian saint Sri Sakthi Amma. This will be a special experience of Bakthi Yoga Puja, or ritualized meditation.

avatar for Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke

Tobias Meinecke is a film maker and devotee of Sri Sakthi Amma. As as devotee Tobias has been creating and hosting Pujas, or sacred ceremonies, for over 15 years all over the world. The Yagam or "Fire Ceremony" is typically offered at night while the Abisheikim or "Liquid Puja" is... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 6:30am - 7:45am EDT
Slackline Park, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

8:00am EDT

Mantras, Beats and Meditations

Mantra is tool for the mind to help us overcome obstacles. Beats are an expression of the heart that help us connect as we move and breath together. Meditation is a practice cultivating a peaceful attitude. Join us as we weave these elements together to create an unforgettable, joyful and transformative yoga experience.

avatar for MC Yogi

MC Yogi

Artist, MC YOGI
MC YOGI is a recording artist, award-winning author, and yoga teacher. He's taught yoga and performed across the globe including headlining at Wanderlust festivals in over 30 US cities as well as Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, and Korea. His unique style of music and teaching is joy-filled... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Sound Bath Meditation

Join Sara for a Guided Sound Bath Meditation. Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit as you lay or sit in stillness during this fully immersive experience. Listen to the sounds and feel the vibrations of crystal alchemy singing bowls to relieve stress and facilitate a deep state of relaxation & meditation. You will leave feeling  calm, balanced, and restored!

avatar for Sara Flynn Gosselin

Sara Flynn Gosselin

Sara Flynn Gosselin is a passionate healer with the mission of helping others on all levels - be it physically, mentally, emotionally and/ or spiritually. A student and practitioner of various healing modalities, she is a 200-hr Yoga Instructor through the Essence of Yoga School in... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:05am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Move • Breathe • Release

The “Feel Good” class you were waiting for! Unlock unwanted physical, mental and emotional tension with the 3 most effective yoga practices amplified by the power of the community. Together we will move our bodies, practice pranayama (breath work), and step into a group guided meditation. If you have never meditated, or done pranayama, do not worry, this will be a guided heartfelt experience.

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

Intro to Katonah Yoga®

Welcome to Katonah Yoga® – a transformative journey rooted in Taoist theory, sacred geometry, and meaningful metaphors.

In our communal classes, we explore personal growth through pairs and groups, providing formal support with hands-on adjustments.

Katonah Yoga thrives on three universal principles: polarity, patterns, and repetition. Mediating between polarities, you'll harmonize body and mind, guided by the magic square of Taoist origin – a map to organize your personal abode, the body.

Approaching asana sequences as "workshops," we delve into each practitioner's unique proportions, ensuring alignment control and joint protection. Beyond the physical, Katonah Yoga® fosters a dialogue between postures, organs, and emotions, transcending habitual patterns for mind, body, and soul enrichment.

Cultivate a stable, safe, and sustainable practice during our time together. Master body proportions, assist others on their journeys, and integrate pranayama and Taoist meditations. This workshop will empower you to apply Katonah Yoga to any style, unlocking your full potential. Join us on this profound exploration of self-discovery and transformation.

avatar for Gail Grossman

Gail Grossman

Gail Grossman, is Yoga Educator, Author & Guide. Considered a teacher of teachers Gail has been sharing the gift of yoga for decades. She educates and supports Yoga Students & Teachers to develop their skills and maximize the benefits of this ancient practice using a modern approach... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

2:00pm EDT

✴️ Freedom Through Impermanence

How does the Buddhist view of change and impermanence include the opportunity for growth, flourishing and personal transformation? This talk will emphasize the “Four Seals” of Buddhism and how these can turn our resistance to change into a sense of freedom.

avatar for Dr. Chris Berlin

Dr. Chris Berlin

Instructor of Buddhist Ministry, Harvard Divinity School
Chris Berlin is an instructor in spiritual counseling and Buddhist ministry at Harvard Divinity School, where he also serves as a counselor to Buddhist graduate students. His teaching ranges from counseling theory and practice, and contemplative approaches to clinical chaplaincy... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

3:30pm EDT

✴️ Closing Kirtan with Andrew & Friends

Join us in this final celebration of life, health, and spirit as we join together in song on the main stage. We will offer mantras of gratitude to all the teachers of the teachers of the teachers of yoga that have led us on this path... All the way back to the supreme teacher residing in the center of your chest as the real true self.

avatar for Sherrie Howard

Sherrie Howard

Musical Nature Yogini, Sherrie Howard Yoga & Music
Sherrie Howard is a multi-talented international kirtan artist, 1000-hour certified Kripalu yoga teacher, nature guide, sound healer, and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music trained vocalist. Thousands of guests at Miraval, Canyon Ranch, and Kripalu Center have delighted in... Read More →
avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

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Radharani’s voice has been described as “angelic,” “crystalline,” and “hypnotic.” With meditative presence and soulful yearning, she draws the listener into states peace and inspired emotion. Her accessible, singable music is a blend of ancient mantras, heart-opening... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Outdoor Stage, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

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