For Yoga Teachers [clear filter]
Thursday, June 13

2:00pm EDT

The Art of Adjustments

Please bring a strap and mat. Yoga blocks optional.

The power of human touch is profound. An intelligent, informative hands on assist has the potential to be an incredible teaching tool. There is also a big responsibility that comes along with putting your hands on someone else’s body. You must be well trained, careful, conscientious, and without negative intent.
Kula has always been known as a studio where you will find plenty of hands on assists. This teachers intensive will look closely at how/when/and why to touch, and when there are other more effective ways to assist a student.  It will teach you how to use intelligent touch as a teaching tool and how to use your body as another way to communicate with your students in a supportive environment.

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Thursday June 13, 2024 2:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
  Intensive, Yoga
Friday, June 14

8:00am EDT

Somatic Yoga: Uncover, Discover, Discard

A Slow Therapeutic Flow that centers self-discovery, shedding old patterns and embracing the inherent truth of who we are.  Begins with a 15-20 min talk followed by Asana, Pranayama, Meditation. 

avatar for Nikki Myers

Nikki Myers

Founder, Y12SR
Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is an accomplished speaker, teacher and the founder of Y12SR, The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery.Nikki  is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Addictions Recovery Specialist, and Certified Health Coach. Born from her personal struggle with addiction, based... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

11:00am EDT

This Is Your Brain On Yoga 🧠

Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah: yoga is the cessation of the modifications, or fluctuations, of the mind. In vedantic philosophy, every thought (vritti) leaves a “groove” or impression in the mind. Who we are, our habits, perspectives and attitudes are shaped by our environment and life experiences. In modern science, we understand this phenomenon as neuroplasticity. Yoga gives us the power to disrupt habituated patterns, effectively rewiring our brain.

Have you ever wondered why yoga makes you feel the way you do? How does a practice we do on a mat make an imprint on how we live our lives?
In this 90-minute lecture, you’ll explore the relationship between yoga and neuroscience, providing you with a new understanding of the power of yoga.
Lauren Turner, a trauma-informed yoga instructor and founder of 501(c)3 Warrior Within Yoga Project, will introduce you to the fundamentals of brain anatomy, the orchestration of the stress response, and what exactly is happening in the brain when we practice yoga.
Discussing the neurobiology of asana, pranayama and meditation, you will learn ways how to assimilate evidence-based practices that work with the nervous system, into your own practice or teaching.
A digital download, highlighting key take-aways will be provided to participants.

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Lauren Turner

Founder & Executive Director, Warrior Within Yoga Project
Lauren Turner is the founder of Warrior Within Yoga Project, a trauma informed yoga instructor and business consultant known for her down-to-earth teaching style and collaborative nature. Lauren’s work with veterans and first responders, both as an instructor and nonprofit leader... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Clark Room, Country Inn

12:00pm EDT

The OM Workshop – The Yoga of Sound, Breath, Resonance & Vibration

In a yoga class, one of the first opportunities for students to connect with their teacher is through a shared “OM” but how often do we pay as much attention to the details of this sound as we do to the nuance of asana? Leslie will deconstruct the phonetics of this complex, resonant, sacred vibration with a review of the phonetic map of the mouth embedded in the Sanskrit alphabet. He will lead students in a simple chanting practice to blend exploration of the relationship between sound, physical support and movement.

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Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. He is an internationally recognized specialist with four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga and breath anatomy. He leads workshops for many of the leading yoga associations, schools and training... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
  Yoga, Lecture

2:00pm EDT

The Roll Model® Method: Myofascial Self-Care for Every Body

Self-myofascial release (SMFR) has mass appeal from multiple spaces within the wellness fields. Learn the newest evidence to support the use of SMFR for your own personal practice and classes. This workshop provides you with a simple and effective self-myofascial release tool to help you erase pain, improve mobility, build embodied awareness and prevent injuries. This workshop will increase your knowledge of your body as you learn to navigate multiple connective tissues. You’ll learn 9 rolling techniques that can support every area of your body. We will rollout using a best practices approach to relieve emotional stress and improve whole body coordination and function. Help your body awaken, move, feel and heal.

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Jill Miller

Tune Up Fitness
Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

6:30pm EDT

✴️ Hanuman’s Heroes Journey and our Inner Ramayana

In this entertaining talk, Manoj illuminates Hanuman’s journey in the Ramayana and will relate it to the archetypical Hanuman energy within you. Like Hanuman we can access super human powers of wisdom, strength and service alongside deep humility and “move big Boulders”.  Learn how awakening this energy leads to explosive transformation, both within and in the outside world, be it spiritual, personal or professional.

In parallel, Manoj will guide us with stories and symbolisms of the Ramayana through the lens of Advaita Vedanta philosophy; where Lord Ram is an avatar of Consciousness (Higher Self of formless), Sita is us (lower self in form) and Hanuman is the uniter of us to Consciousness.

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Dr Manoj Chalam

Manoj uses an entertaining storytelling style using Hindu/Buddhist deities in his workshops to illuminate deep Vedanta philosophy and help people in their hero’s journey. An Indian-born scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering from Cornell University, Manoj helps individuals... Read More →

Friday June 14, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EDT
Crane East, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Saturday, June 15

8:00am EDT

Handstand: The 3 Secrets

Learning to handstand is a process, abundant with discovery and amazement. Whether this is your first inversion workshop or you are well versed in the art of handstands, brace yourself as we delve into alignment, work toward mastery of the shoulder girdle, and explore acrobatic principles so you can build confidence and manifest a greater sense of balance. You will learn exercises that unify body and mind to create a solid foundation for a lifetime of standing on your hands. As a group we will create a safe and transformative space that will be appropriate and for all levels of practice. Take your handstand practice to the next level!

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Crane West, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

10:00am EDT

Kula Flow: Strength & Stability

1-2 Blocks Highly recommended.

While I will never say “stretching is bad” (because it isn’t), there’s plenty of access to opening the body in this way within the yoga world. This class will tackle strength and stability, and while it won’t be a conditioning class, you will learn ways to create strength in your muscles and stability in your joints that you can apply to your current yoga practice, vinyasa or otherwise. It’s a modern approach to sthira sukha asana: strong but not rigid, pliable but not without stable boundaries. You will still flow! These workshop ideas will be taught within the context of a Kula Flow (vinyasa) structure.

avatar for Nikki Vilella

Nikki Vilella

Nikki is the co-director of Kula Yoga Project in NYC where she has been teaching for nearly two decades. She is at the helm of the 200 hour Kula Flow Foundations teacher training program, leads an annual 75 hour advanced TT at her home in upstate NY and offers a mentorship program... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

12:00pm EDT

My Best Playlist- Yoga Music Workshop

Join DJ Taz Rashid for a workshop on how to build a yoga music playlist. Learn how to breakdown your classes in a simple way, and easily build your favorite music into any practice whether it’s a high intensity vinyasa, or a mellow yin, restorative class or to your personalized yoga style.
DJ Taz will show you how to hone your instinctive listening and intuitive teaching skills to "mix beats" and make smooth transitions throughout your classes. Taking the time to focus on developing the role of music in your yoga classes allows you to feel more confident about how music is enhancing your teaching, while you can expand and use your music library more efficiently. Any teacher can build her unique sound with compelling music that enhances the practice, inevitably attracting a larger student following.  Highly recommended for teachers but anyone can attend.

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DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Thunderbolt Room

2:00pm EDT

Revolution of the Soul

The revolution begins within!
We have work to do, and the time is NOW for all of us to wake up and do what needs to be done to create a world that is just, fair, free, equal, safe, happy, healthy, and peace-filled for ALL beings everywhere. 
Following some of the practical and spiritual guidelines from my book, Revolution of the Soul, join me for this unique class and unpack how the inside/out work of personal transformation can change both ourselves and the world we live and share. 
In this class, we will explore our evolution, the work we do on ourselves that inspires growth, and our revolution, the work we do in the world to create social change. 
Understanding that our evolution is the revolution, the class will begin with a dharma talk, followed by a powerful and thought-provoking practice that includes pranayama, asana, and meditation while applying spiritual context to re-frame personal narratives and connecting sacred texts to modern circumstances. 
This unique embodied practice, coupled with deep reflection, can help shift our limiting beliefs and reaffirm our commitment to healing our relationship with ourselves, Spirit, this planet, and each other…  all in the name of peace.
That’s a revolution worth loving for!

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Seane Corn

Seane Corn (she/her) is an internationally-acclaimed yoga teacher, author, and public speaker who has been at the forefront of yoga, activism, and community service for 30+ years. Known for her social activism and impassioned teaching style, Seane is raw, honest, articulate, and spiritually... Read More →

Saturday June 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Greylock Hall, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Sunday, June 16

8:00am EDT

✴️ Inner Radiance Flow: Harmonize Your Practice with 432Hz

Immerse yourself in the harmonious flow of movement and sound. As we warm up the spine, move through our sun salutations, invigorating sequences and grounding postures, the vibrations of 432Hz music will serve as a gentle guide, freeing blocked energy and facilitating a deeper connection with the natural rhythm of the universe. Known for its resonance with the Earth's vibrational patterns, the 432Hz frequency provides a soothing and expansive backdrop, allowing you to release tension, cultivate inner peace, and elevate your practice to new heights. Together, we'll create a space where you can let go, rejuvenate, and embrace the radiant energy within.

This class is presented in partnership of studio partnerm SWEAT Power Yoga.

avatar for Krystal Say

Krystal Say

Owner, SWEAT Power Yoga
Krystal Say is an international Yoga Teacher, educator, and retreat leader. She has traveled to over 10 countries bringing mindful movement practices to individuals ready to enhance the way the feel and live. Forever a student, Krystal has her degree in Exercise Science and brings... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 8:00am - 9:05am EDT

10:00am EDT

✴️ Yoga At The Crossroads

Now that the ascent of yoga into the mainstream has long since peaked and we are on the other side of the paradigm shattering years of the pandemic, yoga teachers have been left in quandary about how to navigate the new landscape. 

In this panel discussion, we will hear from teachers who have been witness to the evolution of yoga in the west about what their experiences have been and where they see things going.

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J. Brown

For more than twenty years, J. Brown has been developing techniques to teach people how to practice yoga in a deeper and more fulfilling way. He is also a well known writer and podcaster, having been featured in Yoga Therapy Today, the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, and across... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT

12:00pm EDT

Four Tenets of Transformational Hands-On-Assists

This workshop is geared for yoga teachers or fitness professionals who work with individuals in group-class or one-on-one settings.
One of the main goals of yoga is to improve the flow of prana (energy or life-force) in the body. We use yoga asanas to help improve prana flow. Sometimes our students can’t access that state in their postures due to many factors.  A kind and compassionate hands-on-assist can facilitate the flow energy in the body by:
  • providing stability 
  • creating grounding
  • creating space in the body
  • helping improve breath. 
In this hands-on experiential workshop, we will learn the four main principles that will take your hands-on-assists to the next level and help your students experience postures in a whole new way.
We will learn to recognise when and where prana is restricted in the body in various asanas and learn the methods in which we can help improve prana flow with hands-on-assists. When prana is unlocked, the students can experience each pose in a more enjoyable, beneficial as well as more safe manner.
We will discuss student consent, approach, as well as how to use your hands with kindness and compassion for the health and wellness of your students. All of us are healers, we just need to fine-tune our senses and learn the power of our healing touch.

Brought to you by Studio Partner, Coolidge Corner Yoga

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Tatyana Souza

owner, Coolidge Corner Yoga
As a PhD of Immunology and an E-RYT 500, Tatyana Souza weaves together seamlessly her health and body knowledge from eastern and western traditions. Inspired by the mental benefits of consistent yoga practice and by her family, Tatyana left her career in the pharmaceutical industry... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Burbank Room, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

3:30pm EDT

✴️ Closing Kirtan with Andrew & Friends

Join us in this final celebration of life, health, and spirit as we join together in song on the main stage. We will offer mantras of gratitude to all the teachers of the teachers of the teachers of yoga that have led us on this path... All the way back to the supreme teacher residing in the center of your chest as the real true self.

avatar for Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years--his high school art teacher-- for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: "You are not allowed to say... Read More →
avatar for Sherrie Howard

Sherrie Howard

Musical Nature Yogini, Sherrie Howard Yoga & Music
Sherrie Howard is a multi-talented international kirtan artist, 1000-hour certified Kripalu yoga teacher, nature guide, sound healer, and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music trained vocalist. Thousands of guests at Miraval, Canyon Ranch, and Kripalu Center have delighted in... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Dregs of Wisdom School of Taoist Yoga
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →

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Radharani’s voice has been described as “angelic,” “crystalline,” and “hypnotic.” With meditative presence and soulful yearning, she draws the listener into states peace and inspired emotion. Her accessible, singable music is a blend of ancient mantras, heart-opening... Read More →

Sunday June 16, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Outdoor Stage, Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

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